Take time to read all the information on the INTERNATIONAL page why we are considering this need.
This opportunity in Romania was presented to us but we are unable to organize a team for this need at this time. We are listing it here because our intention is to serve this ministry that is in need in the future. These brothers and sisters in Christ need help with their physical needs. If you feel like you are to help organize a future work team to go to this part of the world, please contact me.
Tom Denlinger at LightShine International – lightshine777@comcast.net
On their website they write:
To read more directly from them, visit their website by clicking HERE.
Reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of Him is what He has called us to do! PRAY that the Lord raises up more leaders in our ministry to help them work on their property and make it a beautiful tool for reaching the people in their city.