Capital Campaign

Our Capital Campaign started in 2019. The theme of this campaign was something God gave us that communicates our desire to sow into the next generation. All of us desire is to finish well. But making disciples is what our Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to do. All of our team leaders are trained to draw out more leaders from their teams and continue to build more leaders. In the process, many others are blessed and His Kingdom is strengthened in Alaska. Please take time to watch this video and pray for us …

Phase 1 – 2017- We purchased our new property.

Phase 2 – 2018 –  We began clearing land, cleaning up a lot of refuse and built a cookhouse and prepared a building site for the new Bunkhouse.

Phase 3 – 2019 – We built the Bunkhouse.

Phase 4 – 2020 – In the Bunkhouse, we hung drywall, built an exterior staircase/deck, install windows, log siding and exterior trim.

Phase 52021 – We installed our water, electric and septic systems. Included in that was a lot of site work and the removing of over 200 trees that suffered from spruce bark beetle infestation, milling the wood and storing it for future use in a newly constructed wood shed.

Phase 62022 was to clean up all the remaining jobs remaining on the Bunkhouse and Waterhouse that were not completed in 2021.

Phase 72023 – Work began on transforming the old house into a usable tool.

Phase 82024 – Full attention was set on completing the Base Director’s house and July, our new Base Director and his wife moved in! The upstairs of the house will be used for guests in the future.


Phase 92025 – We need to build two garages that will be used to house our tools, vehicles and trailers in 2026.

Phase 10 – 2026 – The goal is to move everything in the lower garage at the Bunkhouse into the new garages and turn that area into more living space in order to better accommodate our teams.

We are excited to push forward to complete this missionary base that will be used to send our teams all over the state of Alaska for decades to come!

LightShine International Ministries is our formal name as a registered 501(c)(3) organization with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We continue to grow and expand by God’s grace and through the partnership of those who see the work that God is doing through us. We invite you to be part of this ministry. 2025 will be our 30th year serving Bible camps, local churches and other ministries in Alaska.

Thank you for considering building this ministry with us. It is a privilege to serve our Lord Jesus Christ together. If you have any questions for our Board Chairman and financial administrator, please contact Carl Ginder who is our Financial Administrator at: or (717) 826-1947‬