

The above video is our August 2020 video report!

The above video shows some of the personal values we have as we build this ministry as a family in Christ.

The above video describes the specific financial needs we have to develop our missions base in 2020.


Our Capital Campaign

The above video explains our ministry and describes some of the financial needs we have over the next 5 years.

The above promotional video was made several years ago and gives an overview of some of the areas we work.


The above video was made to cast a vision for what we wanted to accomplish in 2019

The above video shows some testimonies from the crew that framed our new garage at our missions base.

The above video was a report from all the work we accomplished at our missions base in 2019.

The above video is from our Bingle Camp Team and the work they did in 2019



The above video shows the work we were able to accomplish when we cleared land and built a road in 2018.

In the above video, the legendary Wick Sunderland shares a little encouragement about LightShine’s work in 2018. Wick is an Alaskan and together with his wife Candy, they have been helping LightShine since 2001.


The above video is a testimony from Frank “Ike” Hobson who is from Tazlina, Alaska.

Ministries We Serve In Alaska

The above video describes our ministry with Gulkana Village Council.

The above video is from Globe Creek Camp which is 39 miles north of Fairbanks on the remote Elliot Highway.

The above video was made after one of our teams built cabins at Globe Creek Camp.

Ben Ebersole has been leading teams to Bingle Camp which is a Bible camp south of Fairbanks.



Bob & Angie have been serving with LightShine Ministries since 2018. Bob is our Director of Team Leader Development.

Ministry Director, Tom Denlinger met Pastor Mike Potts in 1996 and together they built Strelna Lake Wilderness Bible Camp.

Nathan Bond and Alex Baer have served on many of our teams over the past several years.

Bible Teaching & Encouragement

This video (above) is a 30 minute testimony of how God worked powerfully in the life of Dennis Charley who lives in Glennallen, Alaska. Dennis is an Alaska Native Bible teacher now and influences many people in his region.

Ministry Director – Tom Denlinger shares from the Word of God to encourage people not to fear during this troubling time during March 2020. We have been called out of this world by God Himself and commissioned to GO INTO the world. The world NEEDS US! Never forget that there are hurting people that need to experience the love of Jesus Christ during this time!

This production was made by Tom Denlinger to give you an experience that connects the beauty of Alaska with our Creator Who made it. We encourage you to worship Him as God narrates this video (Marty Hogan of Cross Purpose Productions was the actor). The script was written by quoting verses in 1st Person from passages in Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah and from the teaching of Jesus Christ. Please take time to SHARE this video on Facebook and with your church family. It was designed to build God’s people up in their faith and encourage others to give their lives to Him.