Bob & Angie Neuenschwander

Bob & Angie live at the LightShine Alaska Missions Base in Palmer, Alaska and must raise missionary support as our Base Director. Consider adding them to your missionary giving. Take time to read more about their ministry responsibilities with LightShine Alaska below and please pray for them. CLICK ON THIS SECURE LINK BELOW to give towards Bob & Angie’s personal expenses as missionaries:

Bob & Angie have been serving in Alaska with LightShine Ministries since 2018. They both always wanted to visit the beautiful state of Alaska, so when they came across the LightShine booth at the Solanco fair in 2017, they both were drawn to the mission.

Bob has many years of experience in the construction field, so he has been using that gift on the LightShine property in Palmer, Alaska as well as other individuals, communities, and organizations in the surrounding area. Angie is an phenomenal cook, and blesses each of the team members with delicious home-cooked meals on many of the trips they’ve been on these past years. She also helps in any other areas needed when she’s not preparing the food.

After their first trip, they both felt that the Lord was leading them to continue to serve with LightShine Ministries each year. By their second summer, Bob took on the role of leading his own teams – and has continued to do so since. It has been a blessing to take on that role and see the joy of serving through the eyes of others – especially those seeing the Alaskan skyline for the first time.

Bob & Angie feel blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Lord alongside of each other, and look forward to the many relationships to be built in the coming years.


September 2024
December 2024

Bob & Angie must raise missionary support to live in Alaska and oversee our missions base.  If you or your church would be interested in giving towards this ministry endeavor you can click the link below.  Feel free to call Bob and Angie or email them at: 717-314-0560 of email him at: for more information.  If you prefer to support them by writing a check, please be sure to put their names in the memo.

Make checks payable to:   LightShine Ministries   P.O. Box 777   Mount Joy, PA   17552

Along with finances, your prayers are coveted as they have taken this step of faith for the next season of their life.  You can also follow them on Facebook.

Please click on this link below to support Bob & Angie in doing their job for LightShine Alaska.

Thank you so much!