Team Leaders

Hello Team Leaders!

We appreciate you so much and value your leadership in this ministry. As a team leader, you are required to familiarize yourself with the following Excel form and the instructions below it. You must save the form on your computer and send it to Carl Ginder at the end of your team assignment.

Team Expense Summary 2024 <<< This following instructions will show you how to use this form. Please ask Carl Ginder: with any questions that you might have.

Instructions for LSIM Team Expense Summary

The expense summary form is self-calculating, please type only inside fields bordered with a double line.

  1. Begin your summary by typing the name of your team as well as the start and end dates. The form will automatically format your dates to Day – Month – Year. Your team name and dates should now appear on page 2 as well.
  2. Please order your receipts by date (starting with the earliest date) and complete the following fields for each receipt:
  3. Date – Type the date listed on the receipt or the date of the purchase. The form will format the date, please do not attempt to change the formatting.
  4. Vendor – Indicate the vendor who issued the receipt.
  5. Location – Indicate the location of the vendor. This can be general (the name of the town like Palmer, AK) or more specific (MDT for Harrisburg International Airport). The objective for this field is to avoid ambiguity of vendors who have multiple locations. For example, this helps us distinguish purchases made at Fred Meyer in Palmer from those made at Fred Meyer in Fairbanks.
  6. Expense Category – Select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu. Some selections require additional information according to the category explanations below.
    • Fuel – Fuel purchased for vehicles or other gas/diesel powered equipment. If fuel is purchased for a vehicle owned by an entity other than LSIM, please indicate this in the “Notes” column.
    • Food While Travelling – This category is for food purchased while enroute to or from a team assignment. Food purchased in airports or while driving to your destination fits into this category.
    • Food at Destination – This category is for the grocery items or other food expenses incurred to feed your team while on assignment at their destination. If your team is fed by the host and LSIM pays for the convenience, please list the expense in this category.
    • Materials – Any materials purchased for your assignment fall into this category UNLESS THEY ARE FOR USE AT LSIM MISSION BASE. Please briefly explain the expense in the “Notes” column.
    • Mission Base – Items or services purchased for use at LSIM Mission Base in Palmer, AK should be listed in this category. For example, if you purchase a lockset to replace a broken lock on the bunkhouse, list that expense in this category. Materials to support expansion of or improvement to Mission Base belong in this category as well.
    • Air Travel – Most team leaders will not need to directly itemize airfare as tickets will be purchased by an LSALT member, however if a team leader purchases airfare, it should be listed in this category. This category also includes expenses incurred as part of air travel. Examples include baggage charges, seat assignments, overweight charges not paid by team members, etc.
    • Vehicle Maintenance – Any expenses incurred to maintain or repair LSIM owned vehicles.
    • Parking – Parking charges incurred by the team, most commonly due to vehicles left at an airport,

7. Amount – Enter the amount of the receipt as a plain number, the form will add the dollar sign.

8. Notes – Use this field to make notes as required by the category description and / or any other notes that may be helpful as we track expenses.

Thank you for your help as we track expenses in an effort to set reasonable and appropriate rates for our teams!

Team Expense Summary 2024 <<< This form goes with the instructions above.