Gulkana Village is a Native Athna village approximately 200 miles from Anchorage. There are a lot of great people in this photo and we are privileged to call them friends. Much of the leadership of the village is committed to glorifying God in everything that they do and it shows.
We were asked by many people why we will use money given to our ministry and send skilled labor to help a village that receives federal and state funding already. The answer is simple. We call it the “Joseph Principle“. Joseph received revelation from God to interpret the dream of Pharaoh in Genesis 41:28-49 and as a result, Joseph was given a place of leadership over the land of Egypt. Imagine if a group of God’s people came alongside Joseph at that point to help him bless the land of Egypt! That is why LightShine Ministries will come alongside any brother or sister in Christ that has been given influence in their community and has a clear vision for establishing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ there. When we recognize the Holy Spirit anointing and empowering specific brothers and sisters in Christ for leadership, we desire to come alongside them and help them achieve the goals and visions that He gives them. As a result, the LORD is glorified and people are drawn to Him because of the faithful working of His Body – together!
Really, this is nothing new. Missionary organizations have been helping with the physical needs of native villages all over the world by helping them dig wells for water, fields for farming, and businesses for jobs and more income for the people there. God is pleased when His people work together to establish a better life for everyone. The result is that God is glorified in the end when His Body functions well together and comes together to complete a work in His Name – whatever the goal is (Colossians 3:17). This is an example of good stewardship with the resources we are entrusted with and it is our opinion that the Body of Christ should be doing this all over the world.
If you would like to be a part of our next team to Gulkana, take time to look at the future teams that are being offered to serve there. Take time to pray right now for this village. Pray for the awesome brothers and sisters in Christ who work and live there. Pray that God would give them more revelation, dreams and visions for how to make their village a better place and that many more would feel His presence there as a result of His people being strengthened and built up. Pray for His Kingdom to be established even more and that more and more people would be drawn to Him!