We connect skilled people with needs in Alaska. If you have a need, you have to contact us and tell us what the need is. The best way to do this is email us at: Our leadership is very sensitive to the lessons we have learned about “prying” our way into a place that really doesn’t want our help. But we have also met people who need help but feel ashamed asking for it. Please do not feel this way with us. Let’s just talk openly about your dreams for your ministry and see what God puts together! You may be surprised.
Working Together
Please allow us to be bold with you and make something very clear from the beginning. We will not take on an assignment if we cannot work alongside you and those who are involved in your ministry. Because we are a part of the universal Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12) we want to share skilled labor with people who need it. But if we cannot do it together, what we are offering would look nothing more than a cold government program that has no eternal significance. We don’t see it that way and neither should you. We look forward to working alongside you much like Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands in Exodus 17:11-13. This is what God has called us to do! When God’s people work together we shine the Light of Jesus to an unbelieving, cynical world. Jesus taught His disciples John 13:34-35 that the love we show to each other will tell them that we are His! We also want to get to know you and develop lasting friendships.
From our perspective it takes a lot of work putting together a team of people and having each of them raise financial support to volunteer their time. We strive to find skilled people who are perfect for meeting your needs. But never forget that each person on our teams was sent by others in their local church families through financial offerings to God. Therefore, we (you and us) are all “stewards” of God’s money. This is an awesome responsibility for us! It should be for you as well. Planning ahead is imperative to seeing a job to it’s completion. It usually takes 4-6 months for the whole process to take place.
A Clear Objective
We are driven by goals that are set by our hosts (you). Obviously the goal must be attainable for our team to complete during the time they are working for you. So we have to talk about what your needs are many months in advance. Once we know what your needs are, we will look for specific people to fill those needs. We will appoint team leaders to your assignment and they will determine the steps it will take to complete the job.
Tools and Building Materials
It will be your responsibility to supply all the building materials needed to complete your job. We will provide the power tools to do the job unless we (together) determine something larger needs to be rented. Individual team members may bring “skill specific” tools for their work. In other words, an electrician may desire to bring his electrical tools in his tool belt if he feels it is needed. A drywall hanger may bring his personal tools that he is used to using if he feels it will help him work faster. But generally speaking, you will be responsible to communicate with our team leaders what needs to be rented if we do not have the tools needed.
Food & Lodging
Obviously, everyone working has to eat. We expect you to plan accordingly and make sure our teams are fed properly. Part of each person’s financial support goes to food expenses. Therefore it is important for you to save your food receipts and give us a total at the end of the team assignment so we can reimburse you promptly. Our teams do not need to be treated like royalty. They desire to eat what you eat and experience life as you live it. Yes, it is always nice to have people from your church or ministry involved in food preparation and together creating a “church family” atmosphere. Where we come from, when the Amish have a barn raising, it is not only an expression of the church fellowship but also a “bringing together” of many people from the community to do the work together. If your event is planned properly, everyone will be highly blessed by it and God’s Name will be praised.
The team also needs to sleep somewhere and you will be responsible for making sure each team member has a place to lay their sleeping bag. We prepare our team members to be flexible and not demanding. But it is important for you to prepare for their basic needs.
We provide our own transportation to and from our ministry base camp in Palmer, Alaska.
The Alaskan Experience
We would love for our team members to experience Alaska from your perspective. This may take some thought on your part. What can you do to make their stay a memorable one? We prepare our team members to serve with their hands and not see their assignment as a glorified “vacation”. Each team member expects to work a 40 hour week. But many hosts plan a day after the work is completed to take the team to a favorite tourist destination for the purpose of showing them some of Alaska.
Bible Study
Team leaders will be planning daily Bible studies for their team and choosing a regular time each day to spend time in God’s Word. We would love it for you and your people to fellowship with ours in this way. We have had some awesome times sitting around a campfire and sharing how the Lord is working in our lives. We look forward to this and want you to as well.
It is our desire for the team that comes to help your ministry is filled with vision for how they can continue to bless you for years to come. This only happens when you take the time to explain what you do and share from your heart the many trials, burdens, victories and accomplishments that you have experienced over the years!
In this photo, Mike Dynes (Director of Globe Creek Camp) is explaining the ministry of the camp to one of our father/son teams. Many lives have been impacted as a result of our teams coming to Alaska. Never forget that the help they bring to your ministry is only part of God’s plan. He may also want you to minister to them and challenge them for full time service to build His Kingdom through them.
There is much to thank God for but there is still a lot of work to do until He returns for His Bride. Lets keep working hard together in planning for the future!