Master and My King

Written December 2003

Lyrics: Tom Denlinger

Music: Chuck Turner & Tim Swarthout

Jesus Christ.

The Hebrew word “Jeshua” means “the Lord is salvation”. The Greek word ”Christos” means “anointed one” and is the exact equivalent of the Hebrew word for “Messiah”. The Gospel According to Matthew emphasizes that Jesus was the Christ “The Messiah” as well as King of Israel.

Matthew quotes over 60 times from Old Testament prophetic passages, which emphasizes how Christ is the fulfillment of those promises. Matthew uses the phrase “the kingdom of heaven” over 30 times. All of Matthew’s themes are rooted in the Old Testament which reflects Israel’s expectation for the Messiah to come. The Jews knew that Jesus Christ was no ordinary man but did not go so far as recognize Who He was (John 1: 10-11) But Jesus told them Who He was and they picked up stones to stone Him (John 10: 32-33)Why didn’t they know Who Jesus was? The Bible says that their minds were made dull and a veil covered their hearts (2 Corinthians 3: 14-16).

It’s an amazingly sad fact that they were looking for the Messiah but never recognized Him when He came. Question: Have you asked God to open your eyes and make Himself real to you? We have and urge you to be reconciled with Him.

Then you can call Jesus Christ your Master and King.

Verse 1

Unchanging (James 1:17) … You are our fortress (Psalm 59:16) You hide me in the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 17:8) … I love You. I praise You ‘cause I’m fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) You’re eternal … from everlasting to everlasting you are God (Psalm 90:2)

Verse 2

You know them (like in Jeremiah 1:1; Matthew 6: 25- 34; Revelation 2:9) … every single person (Psalm 139:1-3 /Luke 12:7) You know their deepest longings and You wait to see if they will come to You (Luke 19:10; Hebrews 11:6) I ask You … will You do Your work in every heart and show them now (John 6:44) Lord, Jesus … show them the void they feel is only filled by You (John 17:2-22; Acts 4:31; Ephesians 5:18).


You are the Holy One (1 John 1:5 / Hebrews 1:8) You’re drawing all men unto You, (John 12: 32) Oh Jesus, You’re my Master and my King! (Colossians 4:1 / Revelation 17:14) You made the world (Colossians 1:16) And showed all mankind how You died for them (Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12) You took our place and then You rose again! (Matthew 20:28 / 2 Corinthians 5: 14,15)