June 12 – 19 Assignment Completed!

(l-r front row) Lois Umble, Tina Gruber, Susan Stoltzfus, Benjamin Ebersole, Team Leader – Ben Ebersole (back row) Vern Umble, Ken Gruber, Marvin Stoltzfus, Kyle Wagner, Tom Wagner
From Team Leader – Ben Ebersole:
On Sunday we worshipped with Salcha Baptist Church. We were greeted warmly and I reconnected with Darcy Sharpe who worked at Bingle when our first LightShine teams served here. It was good to see her again and the team enjoyed some fellowship with the local congregation. Campers arrived in the evening and the camp is alive with young voices and laughter.
The camp is alive with the energetic voices of God’s children as well. We were blessed to see the kids using equipment that will be stored in the new boathouse while we worked on Monday. As they swam and canoed, their voices were an encouragement and a blessing.
On Monday our progress really started to show. Many “behind the scenes” tasks came together as the front steps were completed and the team began organizing equipment inside the Boathouse. We made a plan for organized storage and built the necessary racks and shelves. We appreciate all of the prayers offered up for our safety. The wind shifted and stoked up a wildfire about 5-7 miles away (photo below over lake). We monitored its proximity but it did not cross the Tanana River and now the smoke has cleared on Harding Lake. Thank you to all who prayed for our safety, he who protects us does not slumber!
Our team finished up work in the camp by completing the transfer of equipment into the new boathouse. The highlight of our workday was tearing down the old structure. The afternoon was spent disassembling and cleaning up the debris and then dining with one of our hosts, Jim Durst. Overall we had a great time of service and Christian fellowship at Bingle Camp.
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Ben Ebersole is the team leader for our teams serving at Bingle Bible Camp. If you have any questions about serving with Ben next year at Bingle Camp, send Ben an email at: forsberg_flyer@comcast.net or call him on his cell phone at: (717) 575-3592