Alaska Bible College

Alaska Bible College was established in 1966 by missionary Vincent James Joy, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute who became a pioneer missionary to the Ahtna people and also founded Central Alaskan Missions (which is now a branch of SEND International). The original location of the college was in Glennallen, Alaska where our teams served. The school is now located in Palmer, Alaska.

1996 Team

This team served at Alaska Bible College in 1996 when team leader, Tom Denlinger brought three other men from Pennsylvania (l-r Barry Sauder, Wes Humphries, with our friend Ben Juneby from Eagle, AK, Tony Guyer and Tom Denlinger) to Alaska in January. During the week they were there, the temperatures hovered around -40 degrees. But the team worked each day inside a small house that was to become a home for college students. They were able to help at the Copper Basin 300 dog sled race. The photos below of the race shows what 58 below zero looks like! The next day, the race was cancelled when the temperatures went to -70. This was the year that ministry founder, Tom Denlinger, met Mike Potts who was the pastor at Copper Center Community Chapel and they started talking vision for building Strelna Lake Wilderness Bible Camp.

We want to encourage you to consider what it would be like if you were to simply come alongside a local church pastor and ask him how you could help him in ministry. What are the possibilities in your life as a future missionary leader? May the LORD empower you with vision and wisdom.

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LCBC Team – 2007


In 2007, we sent another team to help paint Joy Hall which was the primary building at the college that housed the classrooms, male and female dorms and administrative offices. This team of women came from LCBC – a church in Manheim, PA. They worked hard painting and cleaning windows and the exterior of the building. During the evenings, they enjoyed the beautiful July weather and saw sights in the area. Some of the members of the team also helped with Vacation Bible School at Lake Louise as a ministry of Mendeltna Bible Church. Missionaries, Eugene and Pam Horst with SEND of Alaska, were our main contact for this team assignment.

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